Skateboard Angel Tree


We think everyone wants skateboard gifts for Christmas! We love receiving skateboard gifts for Christmas and want to share that with others in need. The Skateboard Angel Tree is a way for Pushing Ahead’s past participants to request skateboard related gifts for Christmas. They are able to request three gifts. The gifts include one bigger ticket item ($50 or more) and two smaller ticket items (less than $50). We place Angel Tree’s at local shops and while shoppers participate in holiday shopping they can purchase gifts for individuals. On December 17th we collect them all and distribute the gifts to participants before Christmas.

Stop by Directive, Crossroads, Modern Monark, Evo/All Together Skate Park, and Time Machine to participate. If you’d like to participate and are unable to stop by one of our participating shops you can still donate. You can either donate via our website or through Venmo (@pushing-ahead).