Pushing Ahead began as an idea to make skateboarding accessible for all.

In 2016 while working with The Boys and Girls Club, Pushing Ahead founder Derek Robison noticed there was a desire from the local youth to learn to skateboard, but their community resources lacked equipment.

Derek saw the need for a skate program and began brainstorming ways to round up donated boards for the youth to use and keep. With his life’s experience in the skateboard community and years of work in youth organizations, Derek was able to connect the two worlds and pilot a skateboard teaching program at The Boys and Girls Club.

With proof of concept in hand, Derek enlisted the help of another life long skateboarder, David Edminster, to formalize the Pushing Ahead Non-Profit organization.

In March of 2018, the first official program launched at YouthCity, and Pushing Ahead has hosted summer programs and events ever since.

Through their passion for skateboarding and sharing its ability to teach valuable life skills, Derek and David work to connect the skate community to youth organizations through donations, resources, and skate lessons for all.

